Unique activities
Our team will break walls and remove any barriers to provide care to our patients.
We acknowledge the huge burden on patients with hereditary syndromes. Not only the medical and emotional, but also the time-consuming travels to multiple evaluations and the administrative difficulties. We aim to address all these to improve our patients' medical care and quality of life.​
ENTIRE Traveling Clinic
To bridge the distance gap for patients with hereditary syndromes from remote locations in Israel, we initiated our Traveling Clinic. Since February 2021, we conduct our expert clinic outside the Sheba MC every 3-4 months. In the clinic, we perform a thorough evaluation, including genetic testing for patients from high-risk families.
The 1st Traveling Clinic focused on families with VHL, with more than 10 patients evaluated, new patients diagnosed with VHL, and identification of urgent manifestations in newly diagnosed patients. ​

Our 2nd Traveling Clinic to northern Israel took place on August 4th, 2021. We evaluated four families for potential diagnosis with various hereditary endocrine multi-neoplasms syndromes and provided advice on the required diagnostic or next surveillance steps. Our team performed genetic testing for all family members, at the patients' homes.

Additional unique activities enabled genetic assessment of more than 30 patients with low income and no health insurance. Our team assessed the genetic status of each family member and consult the patients regularly as part of our commitment to provide excellent care for everyone, everywhere.
Patients and families that are interested to receive more details, or are interested in being evaluated in our next clinics, please contact us.​
International meetings, education, and patients days
Aiming to lead the field of translational research and clinical care of patients with hereditary endocrine cancer syndromes, the ENTIRE center conducts both local and international conferences, for patients, healthcare givers, and researchers.
In line with our approach to science, the meetings are formed in a collaborative approach, together with our colleagues from Israel and from Europe and the United States, aiming together to advance the level of care provided to our patients.​

Our team continues fulfilling our goal of being available to everyone, everywhere: We performed two additional travelling clinics for patients with hereditary endocrine cancer syndromes. Our clinic reached the far north eastern and western galilee and additional locations on the Carmel mountain and other sites. We have diagnosed more than 30 patients with hereditary endocrine cancer syndromes, and provided them with consultation based on the genetic findings.
If you know of family members with neuroendocrine tumor, paragangliomas, pheochromocytoma, MEN syndrome or VHL, please contact us, and we will be at your service for advise, assessment and/or evaluation.
To continue perform our free-of-charge genetic testing, we ask for your support. If you are interested, or know anyone who is, please let us know HERE
VHL Patients Meeting
MEN1 Patients Meeting
The 1st international School for MEN Syndromes
A unique school, gathering experts from all around the globe, to discuss and learn on the management of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes (MEN1,
MEN2, VHL and SDHx).
Excellence through synergy - Specialty-based approach to the management
of VHL Disease
VHL Patients Meting
NET 1st Service - Everything you wanted to know about neuroendocrine tumors
Diarrhea in patients with gastroenteropanceratic NET - beyond the obvious​